Festive Chinese New Year Year of the Rat Chinese New Year 2020 Blessing Title
Festive Chinese New Year Year of the Rat Chinese New Year 2020 Blessing Title
1920x1080 | Version After Effects CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC, CS6 | 250 mb
- The theme of this material is Video,usage scenario is , Pik number is 1617208, format is AEP,it is recommended to open this file with Photoshop CC ,this Video material is 250.49M, pik size is 1920x1080,Pikbest provides original attactive design templates for download,includes templates, design material and so on, source file can be downloaded ,you can also change and edit the pictures and fonts in the file, all availabel for commercial use,download original design material on Pikbest.
https://tinyurl.com/yccfmopjSource: Internet.

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