Earth Zoom Multi Kit
Earth Zoom Multi Kit
1920x1080 | CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | 1200mb
- Easily opens the compositions to be edited…
- Customize visual settings…
- Enables quick editing of zoom map features…
- Detailed adjustment for Zoom Level, Zoom Rotate and Zoom Out Level.
- Fast render with optimization tools…
- 100% Customizable
- New and smart.
- New unique features.
- New and flexible structure.
- Detailed adjustment of the zoom level and angle.
- Global, Planar or Colored map texture options.
- Google, Bing or MapQuest options. Ability to use your own API key.
- The transition between locations at nearby level (without Global or Planar world and space background).
- Perfect matching for near locations. You only need to set locations distance.
- CS6, CC and above.
- High Quality World Maps Texture
- No need to extra Plug-in.
- Video Tutorial Included (Separated help videos and pdf files).
- 162 Special Customize Elements
- Preview Gallery For Elements
- Pins, Pointers, Call-outs, Info Boxes, Text Box Call-Outs, Text Boxes, Screens and Realistic Elements
- 2D/3D Logo-Text maker for Zoom Map Internet.

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