VideoHive Chinese New Year 2017
VideoHive Chinese New Year 2017
1920x1080 | CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | 53mb
- A Full HD, 1920×1080, After Effects Template
- After Effects CS5 and above, No Plugins required
- 3 Text Placeholders and 1 Log Placeholder, Chinese and Mandarin Language font can be used inside Text Placeholder
- All Texts shown in the Preview are editable, Change Font, and edit all the attributes
- Chinese and Mandarin Fonts can be used in the Text Placeholders
- 100 % After Effects Template, No 3rd Party Plugins required
- Best suits for Chinese New Year opener, Chinese Traditional Festivals, Chinese Videos, Chinese Documentary Videos
- Simple to edit, easy to render, Detailed PDF Help file included
- Audio used in Promo not included, You can buy it from here Audio Link Audio
Download:!c40DUCYC!fsni7S7NvgDV77dPAJOhdD37H2w_CpDt7U3uAB8V3ssSource: Internet.

Tôi là một giảng viên, nhà báo, một người có đam mê cực độ với phim và nhiếp ảnh. Rất vui vì đã được làm quen với các bạn ^_^
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