VideoHive Dash Style Logo
VideoHive Dash Style Logo
1920x1080 | CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | 478mb
- 2 Versions design of project;
- 30 Versions stickers for your logo;
- 3 Sky timelapse footage included;
- 5 Color styles for your footage included;
- Full HD 1920×1080p;
- Drag and Drop Logo;
- Full customisation: Change everything with a single click;
- No Plug-ins Required;
- Sound FX Included;
- Duration 14 seconds long;
- Editable with After Effects CS5, and above;
- Help video tutorial;
- The Fonts are not included, used GillSansLightC;
- Music from the previews is not included;
- Music for this preview was written by Brait. You can buy it here!
- Music for this preview was written by alkis. You can buy it here!
Download:!c40DUCYC!fsni7S7NvgDV77dPAJOhdD37H2w_CpDt7U3uAB8V3s3Source: Internet.
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