VideoHive Fashion Bright
VideoHive Fashion Bright
1920x1080 | CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 57.6mb
- CS4,CS5,CS5.5,CS6 Compatible
- Include Pre-renders Optical Flares Version and Original Version
- Include 2 Final Renders, FULL HD 1920×1080 29 fps and 1280×720 29 fps
- Unlimited Placeholders, You can add more every scenes
- Change Text Color Easily
- Duration 1 Minute Long
- 12 Text Holders
- 8 Placeholders (Image or Video)
- PDF help file showing you how to edit text and change placeholder include with the screenshot
- Music in the preview is not include in the download, but you can buy HERE
- Music from Soundroll Thanks for this great music
- Picture not include in the download, only for preview purpose only
- Easy to edit
Download:!fEcnEKCB!Lp93BTo2TZdc16imPvHdKDmxj_aNz_Ss4frD3N172fyoSource: Internet.
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